
Type Price Charge by Suitable for Self risk (deductable)
Super Insurance 2.600 ISK Day All 85.000 ISK
Gold Insurance 4.600 ISK Day All 85.000 ISK
Platinum Insurance 6.200 ISK Day All 0 ISK
Gravel Insurance 1.300 ISK Day All 0 ISK
Tire Insurance 1.000 ISK Day All 0 ISK
Sand And Ash Insurance 1.700 ISK Day All 0 ISK


CDW Insurance

CDW insurance is included with all rentals, it includes third party liability insurance and accident insurance for the driver and the owner. The self ris (deductible) is 350.000 ISK.

Super Insurance

This insurance lowers the selfrisk (deductible) of the CDW down to 85.000 ISK.

Gold Insurance

We reccommend this insurance, it lowers the selfrisk (deductible) of the CDW down to 85.000 ISK, and includes the Gravel Insurance, Tire Insurance and Sand And Ash Insurnce with 30% discount.

Platinum Insurance

The Platinum Insurance is the best one we offer, it includes all our insurances with 0 ISK self risk (deductible).

Gravel Insurance

The Gravel Insurance is the bare minimum protection we recommend to our customers, it covers damages to the windscreen, paint and body of your car caused by gravel or stones thrown to the car by passing vehicles.

Tire Insurance

We do offer Tire Insurance that includes full reimbusrsement of repair or replacement with no selfrisk (deductible) for tires, valve stems, and balancing. Please not this insurance does not cover damage to the rims.

Sand And Ash Insurance

Sand and Ash protection covers damages to paint, glass, headlights, chrome and plastics of the rental cars caused by sand, ash, pumice or other earth materials that can be blown to the car. We experience sand storms in in Iceland few times a year and especially in the south and south east costal line. We do not reccommend to drive our cars in windspeeds of 15 meters per second and higher.